dreams manifest God evidence self-discovery journey entrepreneur podcast Stiry


This is a perfect companion episode to #88.  In this episode Dan Davis, the founder of Stiry, and I share the part of my story in which Project “Help Briana Work from Home” becomes amplified into Project “Help Briana Make her Dream Come True”.   I bridge the story of why I need to take a break from the podcast and the background workings that were laying the foundation to be able to be acquired by Stiry to become a full-time podcaster pursuing my passion.  We discuss how the philosophies of LifeBeats and Stiry’s idea of perspective moments fit so perfectly together and how God is in the details of our life.  Dan shares with me for the first time the moment he knew bringing me into the team was right.  We talk about the importance of taking time for self-discovery to truly understand our purpose and then having the courage to trust in that journey while moving our feet.  We reveal what is in store for The LifeBeats Project this season including some upgrades including video podcasts.  Click here to watch this entire episode on video from the Stiry Studio.

Listen and be inspired to walk in the path of your own dreams, look outward for evidences of God in your life, and take time to truly discover your purpose and keep your feet moving in that direction.

Show Notes


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Podcast with Heidi Swapp

Podcast with Natashia McLean

Cultiva International





