Mike and I are so honored to have asked to share a piece of our story with the Stiry community. Stiry is an incredible company who shares the good of everyday people through daily videos. (You can check out the founder Dan Davis’ podcast on communication in marriage here).
Come learn how Mike’s diagnosis of an aggressive case of Multiple Sclerosis has changed our world – our roles, our relationship, our family, but how our faith in one another and our dedication to one another has carried us through. See more about the man who inspired my podcast and his powerful determination, sense of humor, and absolute faith in me. Learn more about the philosophies behind my podcast and the inspiration behind it.
“I truly believe that we each have extraordinariness inside of us, but because of the things that happen in life they put layers over that ability to see it in ourselves. So if I can help you have a breakthrough in small ways and to be able to start seeing that good in yourself, that I truly truly believe that that will affect everything in your life if you will start with seeing the good in yourself.” – Briana
“One thing that I think evolves as you work at it when you are together with someone is the faith and belief in the other person. You count on them and you know when it gets hard, because its going to get hard, they are going to be there. Even with debilitating disease we are committed to one another and I knew she would be supportive and I knew we would figure it out one day at a time, and that’s what we do.” – Mike
Thank you Stiry for capturing a beautiful time in our family’s life!